Babyway Gripe Water 150 ML

  • Administer as directed, usually after feeding or as needed
  • Use a dropper to give the recommended dosage
  • Store in a cool, dry place to maintain effectiveness
  • Consult your pediatrician before use, especially for newborns
  • Suitable for occasional use to ease digestive discomfort

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Babyway Gripe Water is an Ayurvedic proprietary formula designed to help soothe common discomforts in babies. This gentle, natural remedy is used to address issues like gas, colic, and other digestive ailments, providing comfort and relief for your little one.

Key Benefits:

  • Helps alleviate discomfort caused by gas and bloating.
  • Provides gentle relief from colic and tummy troubles.
  • It helps in the smooth functioning of your baby’s digestive system.
  • Made with Ayurvedic herbs and natural ingredients for safe and effective relief.
  • Helps calm and soothe your baby, promoting a more peaceful sleep.

Quick tips:

  • It is beneficial for a baby’s  stomach
  • Helps to improve gut health and digestive system
  • Made with ayurvedic herbs and natural ingredients
  • Provide safe and effective relief to baby’s health